الفريق العربي للهندسة العكسية

نسخة كاملة : Licensepoint || Free .Net/VB Licensing System [Cloud based]
أنت حالياً تتصفح نسخة خفيفة من المنتدى . مشاهدة نسخة كاملة مع جميع الأشكال الجمالية .

Here is a free / premium .NET / VB licensing system. Its easy to use and lot of example programs added. You can add license system on your .Net / VB applications in 1 min!


=> Inbuild Anti Monitor, Anti Debug, Anti Dnspy & Anti VM Feature
=> Generate License with custom prefix.
=> Manage your program through web panel.
=> Manage Your Program users with:
+ => BAN User
+ => Delete User
+ => You can reset HWID of any users
=> You can add resellers for your program retail
=> Add Custom Reseller Balance
+ => You can update Balance
+ => Can Clear Reseller Balance
+ => Can delete reseller panel
=> You can set reseller key price. Also can be update if needed.
=> Easy to use and eye catching panel.
