الفريق العربي للهندسة العكسية

نسخة كاملة : Create EXE Files During Runtime with VB6
أنت حالياً تتصفح نسخة خفيفة من المنتدى . مشاهدة نسخة كاملة مع جميع الأشكال الجمالية .
Posted By: zEaK47 19-07-2008, 02:06 AM
إقتباس :This tutorial explains how to create executable files during runtime ! Visual Basic does NOT even have to be installed on the computer running your Application !!!! the bas file included in this project helps you to create exe files which include customized data! DURING RUNTIME! "What we do is coding an exe file that opens itself for read access during runtime." Reading the Tutorial won't last longer than 10 minutes and the method you learn can be very EFFECTIVE.
[صورة مرفقة: PIC2002101720434259.gif]
إقتباس :In the attached file there is a project for reg to exe converter it use this methode to creat the exe