الفريق العربي للهندسة العكسية

نسخة كاملة : windows via c
أنت حالياً تتصفح نسخة خفيفة من المنتدى . مشاهدة نسخة كاملة مع جميع الأشكال الجمالية .
[صورة مرفقة: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ2Yod2aKxiS9aBa8I8TTA...zoKsfnay2h]   

 Discover how to:
  • Architect and implement your applications for both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows
  • Create and manipulate processes and jobs
  • Schedule, manage, synchronize and destroy threads
  • Perform asynchronous and synchronous device I/O operations with the I/O completion port
  • Allocate memory using various techniques including virtual memory, memory-mapped files, and heaps
  • Manipulate the default committed physical storage of thread stacks
  • Build DLLs for delay-loading, API hooking, and process injection
  • Using structured exception handling, Windows Error Recovery, and Application Restart services