الفريق العربي للهندسة العكسية

نسخة كاملة : Cracker Tools 2.9 By yildo
أنت حالياً تتصفح نسخة خفيفة من المنتدى . مشاهدة نسخة كاملة مع جميع الأشكال الجمالية .
The installation was prepared unattended,

The file you downloaded will download as Crackers Tools 2.9 By Yıldo.exe,

For installation, double click and wait, a message will come up stating that it has been installed and will inform you when the installation is complete.

A 64-bit operating system is required to take its place on the right click.

If you say it has not taken place in the right click, it means you have installed it on your x86 operating system.

There are x86 x64 software in Tools.

Shortcuts you see in the picture will automatically come to the table.

[صورة مرفقة: nqdgxy0.jpeg]