السلام عليكم
عندي مشكله في برنامج dnSpy حيث لا اجد خيارات call stage and memory وغيرها حاولت انزل نسخه من البرنامج وايضا علي نظام وهمي ولاكن دون جدوي
وعليكم السلام
شغل البرنامج أولا داخل dnspy
Hi bro, I prepared a tutorial for you.
(14-11-2023, 07:30 PM)vosiyons كتب : [ -> ]Hi bro, I prepared a tutorial for you
Brother, is your decompile.us still alive?
(15-11-2023, 12:21 PM)Newhak كتب : [ -> ]is your decompile.us still alive
Yes I think it's still alive
I just tried to login and it seems working perfect
(14-11-2023, 07:30 PM)vosiyons كتب : [ -> ]Hi bro, I prepared a tutorial for you.
?which soft you use for making the tutorial