10-08-2024, 06:07 PM
IDA PRO 9 beta
تم تسريب النسخه التجريبية من ida pro 9
لتحميل النسخه التجريبية
ida pro beta for windows
ملف التفعيل سكربت بايثون
قم بحفظه بامتداد .py
قم بتشغيله كمسؤل من الترمنال
يجب ان يكون بداخل فولدر البرنامج بعد التثبيت
تم تسريب النسخه التجريبية من ida pro 9
لتحميل النسخه التجريبية
ida pro beta for windows
ملف التفعيل سكربت بايثون
import json
import hashlib
import os
license = {
"header": {"version": 1},
"payload": {
"name": "meow :3",
"email": "[email protected]",
"licenses": [
"id": "48-2137-ACAB-99",
"license_type": "named",
"product": "IDA",
"seats": 1,
"start_date": "2024-08-10 00:00:00",
"end_date": "2033-12-31 23:59:59", # This can't be more than 10 years!
"issued_on": "2024-08-10 00:00:00",
"owner": "cracked by alula :3",
"add_ons": [
# {
# "id": "48-1337-DEAD-01",
# "code": "HEXX86L",
# "owner": "48-0000-0000-00",
# "start_date": "2024-08-10 00:00:00",
# "end_date": "2033-12-31 23:59:59",
# },
# {
# "id": "48-1337-DEAD-02",
# "code": "HEXX64L",
# "owner": "48-0000-0000-00",
# "start_date": "2024-08-10 00:00:00",
# "end_date": "2033-12-31 23:59:59",
# },
"features": [],
def add_every_addon(license):
platforms = [
"W", # Windows
"L", # Linux
"M", # macOS
addons = [
# Probably cloud?
# "HEXCX86",
# "HEXCX64",
# "HEXCARM64",
# "HEXCPPC64",
# "HEXCRV64",
# "HEXCARC64",
i = 0
for addon in addons:
i += 1
"id": f"48-1337-DEAD-{i:02}",
"code": addon,
"owner": license["payload"]["licenses"][0]["id"],
"start_date": "2024-08-10 00:00:00",
"end_date": "2033-12-31 23:59:59",
# for addon in addons:
# for platform in platforms:
# i += 1
# license["payload"]["licenses"][0]["add_ons"].append(
# {
# "id": f"48-1337-DEAD-{i:02}",
# "code": addon + platform,
# "owner": license["payload"]["licenses"][0]["id"],
# "start_date": "2024-08-10 00:00:00",
# "end_date": "2033-12-31 23:59:59",
# }
# )
def json_stringify_alphabetical(obj):
return json.dumps(obj, sort_keys=True, separators=(",", ":"))
def buf_to_bigint(buf):
return int.from_bytes(buf, byteorder="little")
def bigint_to_buf(i):
return i.to_bytes((i.bit_length() + 7) // 8, byteorder="little")
# Yup, you only have to patch 5c -> cb in libida64.so
pub_modulus_hexrays = buf_to_bigint(
pub_modulus_patched = buf_to_bigint(
private_key = buf_to_bigint(
def decrypt(message):
decrypted = pow(buf_to_bigint(message), exponent, pub_modulus_patched)
decrypted = bigint_to_buf(decrypted)
return decrypted[::-1]
def encrypt(message):
encrypted = pow(buf_to_bigint(message[::-1]), private_key, pub_modulus_patched)
encrypted = bigint_to_buf(encrypted)
return encrypted
exponent = 0x13
def sign_hexlic(payload: dict) -> str:
data = {"payload": payload}
data_str = json_stringify_alphabetical(data)
buffer = bytearray(128)
# first 33 bytes are random
for i in range(33):
buffer[i] = 0x42
# compute sha256 of the data
sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
digest = sha256.digest()
# copy the sha256 digest to the buffer
for i in range(32):
buffer[33 + i] = digest[i]
# encrypt the buffer
encrypted = encrypt(buffer)
return encrypted.hex().upper()
def generate_patched_dll(filename):
if not os.path.exists(filename):
print(f"Didn't find {filename}, skipping patch generation")
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
data = f.read()
if data.find(bytes.fromhex("EDFD42CBF978")) != -1:
print(f"{filename} looks to be already patched :)")
if data.find(bytes.fromhex("EDFD425CF978")) == -1:
print(f"{filename} doesn't contain the original modulus.")
data = data.replace(
bytes.fromhex("EDFD425CF978"), bytes.fromhex("EDFD42CBF978")
patched_filename = f"{filename}.patched"
with open(patched_filename, "wb") as f:
print(f"Generated modulus patch to {patched_filename}! To apply the patch, replace the original file with the patched file")
# message = bytes.fromhex(license["signature"])
# print(decrypt(message).hex())
# print(encrypt(decrypt(message)).hex())
license["signature"] = sign_hexlic(license["payload"])
serialized = json_stringify_alphabetical(license)
# write to ida.hexlic
filename = "ida.hexlic"
with open(filename, "w") as f:
print(f"Saved new license to {filename}!")
قم بحفظه بامتداد .py
قم بتشغيله كمسؤل من الترمنال
يجب ان يكون بداخل فولدر البرنامج بعد التثبيت