الفريق العربي للهندسة العكسية
IDE [SharpDevelop] مجاني لمشروعات C# و VB.NET - نسخة قابلة للطباعة

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+---- الموضوع : IDE [SharpDevelop] مجاني لمشروعات C# و VB.NET (/thread-3532.html)

IDE [SharpDevelop] مجاني لمشروعات C# و VB.NET - TeRcO - 11-03-2023

أداة فعالة يمكنها مساعدتك بنجاح في إنشاء برامج C # و VB.NET ، وتبسيط وتحسين عملك .

SharpDevelop is a comprehensive yet user-friendly piece of software whose main purpose is to offer you with the proper functions to develop your .NET Framework projects with ease.
Supports a decent variety of code types

The utility requires a regular installation process, after which you can begin working with it, by launching it from the shortcut that it places on your desktop. It features a pleasant as well as functional interface, with several panels, so you can view all aspects of your project from a single window.

The application supports a wide range of coding formats, for instance CSHTML, ASPS, CD, BOO, CS, VB, WXS, EDMX, PY, RB, XML, SDPS, SRD, TT, and many more, thus, regardless of your preference, SharpDevelop will be able to cater to your needs, as it allows you to edit existing projects or start new ones from scratch.
Manage options and debug code

SharpDevelop provides you with code completion options by typing '.' (dot) at the end of the targeted object's name, which will call out a list of alternative properties, events or methods, enabling you to write your code more quickly.

Moreover, it features a code debugger, meaning you can determine if your program contains a bug which could completely prevent it from functioning properly. The 'Debug' function can be targeted at a 'BreakPoint', 'CallStack', 'Threads', 'Console', 'Object Graph', 'Local Variables' and others. Additionally, SharpDevelop offers a 'Code Generator' which can automatically create code for 'Interfaces', 'ToString Methods', 'Overridable Properties' and many more, sparing you from the unnecessary effort of writing it all by hand.
In conclusion


RE: IDE [SharpDevelop] مجاني لمشروعات C# و VB.NET - bossnet - 23-08-2024

بارك الله فيك 
الرابط لا يعمل ارجو أعاده الرفع

RE: IDE [SharpDevelop] مجاني لمشروعات C# و VB.NET - Venox - 26-08-2024

سبحان الله اصبحت مواقع الرفع العربية مثل top4top.io اكثر امانا من مواقع الرفع العالمية للأن احيانا اجد بعض الملفات من المنتديات العربية القديمة مثل نقطة تطوير..

على كل حال هي بيئة تطوير مجانية ولكن منتهية الدعم : https://sourceforge.net/projects/sharpdevelop

RE: IDE [SharpDevelop] مجاني لمشروعات C# و VB.NET - mounirsoltan - 26-08-2024

السلام عليكم استاذنا الغالي تبارك الله طرح مميز كالعادة