الفريق العربي للهندسة العكسية
IDA Pro and Binary Ninja (latest) - نسخة قابلة للطباعة

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+--- الموضوع : IDA Pro and Binary Ninja (latest) (/thread-4143.html)

IDA Pro and Binary Ninja (latest) - sadwide - 06-10-2024

IDA Pro Ultimate 9.0 (9.0.240925 rc1)
source: https://auth.lol/ida/

Binary Ninja 4.1.5902
source: https://auth.lol/binja/

RE: IDA Pro and Binary Ninja (latest) - Polia - 10-10-2024

403 Forbiddenممكن اعادة رفع الأول

RE: IDA Pro and Binary Ninja (latest) - sadwide - 13-10-2024

Torrent files from the auth.lol for both IDA Pro and Binary Ninja