الفريق العربي للهندسة العكسية
3mb@rc@d3r0 D3lph! 12.3 @th3ns V3rs!0n 29.0.55362.2017 L!t3 v18.5 x64 - نسخة قابلة للطباعة

+- الفريق العربي للهندسة العكسية (https://www.at4re.net/f)
+-- قسم : منتديات البرمجة - Programming Forums (https://www.at4re.net/f/forum-5.html)
+--- قسم : البرمجة بلغة باسكال و الدلفي - Pascal & Delphi (https://www.at4re.net/f/forum-18.html)
+--- الموضوع : 3mb@rc@d3r0 D3lph! 12.3 @th3ns V3rs!0n 29.0.55362.2017 L!t3 v18.5 x64 (/thread-4513.html)

3mb@rc@d3r0 D3lph! 12.3 @th3ns V3rs!0n 29.0.55362.2017 L!t3 v18.5 x64 - adhem - 20-03-2025

سلام عليكم 

EʍƁɮǟʀƈcǟɖɛَʀօ Dɛَʟքɦɨ 12.3 V. 29.0.55362.2017 Lɨȶɛَ Ɣ18.5 Ҳ64

[صورة مرفقة: FlWPdUb.png]
Currently divided into the following 12 packages
package name function
Ext.Core.7z 32-bit compilation environment, BDS core file (required)
Third-party extensions collected by Ext.3th.7z netizens
Ext.Addons.7z InterBase 2020 and more
Ext.Android.7z Android Compilation Environment
Ext.Help.7z Help Documentation
Ext.Hotfix.7z FmxLinux, some official patches collected by netizens
Ext.IOS.7z IOS compilation environment
Ext.Linux.7z Linux Compilation Environment
Ext.OSX.7z OSX build environment
Ext.Samples.7z example, in fact, you can use svn directly
Ext.SDK.7z Android SDK/NDK compilation environment
Ext.Support.7z EMSServer, LivePreview, PAServer and other support components
Ext.X64.7z 64-bit compilation environment

Once installed, run the ACTIVATOR file with Run as Administrator and click Active

RE: 3mb@rc@d3r0 D3lph! 12.3 @th3ns V3rs!0n 29.0.55362.2017 L!t3 v18.5 x64 - Str0x - 22-03-2025

هل النسخة آمنة ؟ من جرب ؟

RE: 3mb@rc@d3r0 D3lph! 12.3 @th3ns V3rs!0n 29.0.55362.2017 L!t3 v18.5 x64 - Cyperior - 22-03-2025

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