برامج مساعدة في فك التشفيرDeobfucations - نسخة قابلة للطباعة +- الفريق العربي للهندسة العكسية (https://www.at4re.net/f) +-- قسم : منتديات الهندسة العكسية - Reverse Engineering Forums (https://www.at4re.net/f/forum-4.html) +--- قسم : البرامج و أدوات الهندسة العكسية - RCE Tools (https://www.at4re.net/f/forum-29.html) +---- قسم : برامج فك الضغط والتشفير - Unpacking Tools (https://www.at4re.net/f/forum-40.html) +---- الموضوع : برامج مساعدة في فك التشفيرDeobfucations (/thread-787.html) |
برامج مساعدة في فك التشفيرDeobfucations - tenzensow - 15-05-2019 Reverse XOR and other code obfuscation methods. - A malware analysis tool for reversing obfuscation (XOR, ROL, etc) and more. - .NET deobfuscator and unpacker. & - Two tools from Alexander Hanel for working with single-byte XOR encoded files. - The FireEye Labs Obfuscated String Solver uses advanced static analysis techniques to automatically deobfuscate strings from malware binaries. - Guess a 256 byte XOR key using frequency analysis. - A generic hidden code extractor for Windows malware. - Automatic and platform-independent unpacker for Windows binaries based on emulation. - Automated malware unpacker for Windows malware based on WinAppDbg. - Guess XOR keys using known-plaintext attacks. - Reverse engineering tool for virtualization wrappers. - A Python script for brute forcing single-byte XOR keys. - A couple programs from Didier Stevens for finding XORed data. - Guess XOR key length, as well as the key itself. |