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IDAFicator بلاغين جديد ل Olly من AT4RE
17/2/2011 # idaficator- # first public release of version 2.0

16/02/2011 # idaficator- private build (testing):
[+]: Goto#Supremacy is now choosable.
[!]: Olly crashes if ROTE not closed before closing olly.
[!]: Olly crashes if ROTE closed from close button or menu.
[!]: Tooltips not working under C++.
[!]: API addresses were not updated between 2 debugging sessions.
[!]: Syncronisation problem in assmbling process
[!]: 5th button right click to customize didn't work.

15/02/2011 # idaficator- private build (testing):
[+]: Checks to prevent crashes if no RAEdit or RACodecomplete found.
[!]: bug idaficator disables stack pointer on dclick address column.
[!]: various little bugs and memory leaks.

14/02/2011 # idaficator-2.0 private build (testing):
[!]: bug in CTRL+SHIFT+MClick disasm (compatible masm code).
[!]: bug in saving restoring user APIs of breakpoints API menu
[!]: bug no hwbp restoring between sessions.

06/05/2008 # V 1.2.12
[+]: Adding support for asm like command in 'multicommand assembler'.
[+]: Position saving for most important and most used dialog boxes.
[+]: MuCAsm remembers last entered text between 2 debugging sessions.

التحميل IDAFicator v2.0.1.9
قطرة الماء تـثـقب الحجر.. لا بالعنف. لكن بتكرار المحاولة
أخي لن تنال العلم إلا بستة... ذكاء و حرص و اجتهاد و بلغة...و صحبة أستاذ و طول زمان
أعضاء أعجبوا بهذه المشاركة :

الردود في هذا الموضوع
IDAFicator بلاغين جديد ل Olly من AT4RE - بواسطة dj-siba - 19-10-2018, 03:41 PM
RE: IDAFicator بلاغين جديد ل Olly من AT4RE - بواسطة dj-siba - 20-10-2018, 11:21 AM

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