07-07-2019, 12:44 PM
يعطيكم العافية
عندي الفيروس بلاحقة skypmap
عطاني البرنامج عند الانتهاء هي الرسالة ممكن يرجعو الملفات؟؟
Decrypted 12 files!
Skipped 6828 files.
[!] No keys were found for the following IDs:
[*] ID: mPTYkn4xot5J1OzH9CX5hEaoTk9jHVUaO7kDzrIJ (.skymap )
[*] ID: mPTYkn4xot5J1OzH9CX5hEaoTk9jHVUaO7kDzrIJ (.jpg )
Please archive these IDs and the following MAC addresses in case of future decryption:
[*] MACs: 00:1E:37:B0:CB:42, 00:1F:E2:9A:87:34, 00:21:70:A4:39:B7
This info has also been logged to STOPDecrypter-log.txt
عندي الفيروس بلاحقة skypmap
عطاني البرنامج عند الانتهاء هي الرسالة ممكن يرجعو الملفات؟؟
Decrypted 12 files!
Skipped 6828 files.
[!] No keys were found for the following IDs:
[*] ID: mPTYkn4xot5J1OzH9CX5hEaoTk9jHVUaO7kDzrIJ (.skymap )
[*] ID: mPTYkn4xot5J1OzH9CX5hEaoTk9jHVUaO7kDzrIJ (.jpg )
Please archive these IDs and the following MAC addresses in case of future decryption:
[*] MACs: 00:1E:37:B0:CB:42, 00:1F:E2:9A:87:34, 00:21:70:A4:39:B7
This info has also been logged to STOPDecrypter-log.txt