اقتباس من الموضوع الأصلي لــ esso_x
إقتباس :Application: Comfy Partition Recovery
"Protection : Serial number based on "MD5 + Custom
Multi License
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var Form1: TForm1; S : array [1..6] of string =('','COMFY PARTITION RECOVERY','','6C78111B-1BD5-48E9-9F46-257BB8340404','',''); i ,j : Integer ; x : string;
procedure TForm1.btn1Click(Sender: TObject); begin s[6] := ''; s[1]:= edt1.text; s[3]:= cbb1.Text; s[5]:= UpperCase(GetMD5( UpperCase( s[1]+ s[2]+s[3]+s[4] ) ) ); x := s[5]; i := 1; j := 4; while i <= 16 do begin s[6] := s[6] + Copy( IntToStr( ord(x[i]) ),2,1); if i = j then begin s[6] := s[6] + '-' ; inc (j,4); end; inc(i); end; Delete (s[6],Length(s[6]),1); edt2.Text := s[6]; end;
"Don't forget to add MD5 to "uses
any question you welcome
implicit conversion (think forward)