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Login system
أي شخص لديه تعليمي تجاوز نظام تسجيل الدخول؟
سهل اسم البرنامج
ورابط التحميل
سوف اقوم بعمل فديو توضيحي واعمل سرفر emulator
السلام عليكم
منتظر هذا الفيديو لانى عندى نفس المشكلة
[font][font]السلام علیک و رحمت الله

What do you want to do?
And what is the type of system?
Give a general information about this[/font][/font]
(29-12-2020, 06:43 AM)c0re3 كتب : السلام علیک و رحمت الله

What do you want to do?
And what is the type of system?
Give a general information about this
  i have 2 application and both are protect with vmp and its fully working with  proxy application (like burp suite ) i want to make permanent solution thanks !
(29-12-2020, 08:51 AM)taitor كتب : i have 2 application and both are protect with vmp and its fully working with  proxy application (like burp suite ) i want to make permanent solution thanks !

 so just use xampp server and create file in in xampp server look like the server response and redirect the server ip to you machine ip from host file
(29-12-2020, 09:10 AM)the9am3 كتب :
(29-12-2020, 08:51 AM)taitor كتب : i have 2 application and both are protect with vmp and its fully working with  proxy application (like burp suite ) i want to make permanent solution thanks !

 so just use xampp server and create file in in xampp server look like the server response and redirect the server ip to you machine ip from host file
how sir ?
i have install xampp server in my pc can teach me how can i do it ?

التنقل السريع :

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