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و Malwarebytes ايضا
ذكرت شركة الحماية Malwarebytes انها تلقت تنبيه من طرف فرع التدخل التابع لشركة مايكروسفت عن امكانية اطلاع طرف خارجي على حسابها، و فورا قامت شركة Malwarebytes بفحص منتجاتها (الملفات التنفيذية و المصدرية) و كل الشكوك تتجه الى من قاموا بالهجوم هم نفسهم الذين استغلوا منتوج SolarWinds .

We received information from the Microsoft Security Response Center on December 15 about suspicious activity from a third-party application in our Microsoft Office 365 tenant consistent with the tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) of the same advanced threat actor involved in the SolarWinds attacks
و منه:
Considering the supply chain nature of the SolarWinds attack, and in an abundance of caution, we immediately performed a thorough investigation of all Malwarebytes source code, build and delivery processes, including reverse engineering our own software. Our internal systems showed no evidence of unauthorized access or compromise in any on-premises and production environments. Our software remains safe to use.

التنقل السريع :

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