27-07-2021, 05:10 AM
/* This file was generated by the Hex-Rays decompiler.
Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Hex-Rays <[email protected]>
Detected compiler: Visual C++
#include <windows.h>
#include <defs.h>
// Function declarations
// void __usercall Init(int a1@<eax>, char a2@<dh>);
BOOL __stdcall DllEntryPoint(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpReserved);
//----- (10001000) --------------------------------------------------------
void __usercall Init(int a1@<eax>, char a2@<dh>)
__outbyte(0x38u, a1);
*(_BYTE *)(a1 - 328774110) = a2;
__asm { iret }
// 1000100E: control flows out of bounds to 1000100F
//----- (10991E4C) --------------------------------------------------------
BOOL __stdcall DllEntryPoint(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpReserved)
int v4; // edi
int v5; // esi
char *v7; // eax
int v8; // ecx
if ( (_BYTE)fdwReason == 1 )
v7 = (char *)DllEntryPoint + 99;
v8 = 1454;
*v7++ ^= 0xA3u;
while ( v8 );
*(_BYTE *)(v5 + 40) = *(_BYTE *)(v5 + 40);
LOBYTE(_EBX) = _EBX - *(_BYTE *)(v4 + 581149603);
__asm { bound ebx, [ebx-5Dh] }
MEMORY[0x1B6EA0A3] = v7;
*(_DWORD *)v4 = *(_DWORD *)v5;
MEMORY[0x8B19A3A3] = v7;
MEMORY[0x4154A3A3] = v7;
LOBYTE(v7) = MEMORY[0xAF22286B];
MEMORY[0x66A0A3A3] = v7;
__asm { rep retf }
return 1;
// 10991ED9: control flows out of bounds to 10991EDC
// 10991EB3: variable 'v5' is possibly undefined
// 10991EB6: variable '_EBX' is possibly undefined
// 10991EB6: variable 'v4' is possibly undefined
// nfuncs=2 queued=2 decompiled=2 lumina nreq=0 worse=0 better=0
// ALL OK, 2 function(s) have been successfully decompiled