![[صورة مرفقة: p_2198o9ycx1.jpg]](https://j.top4top.io/p_2198o9ycx1.jpg)

1.Skeleton ASM code
2. Мessage Box Program
3. Windows Architecture
4.Smole Dialog BВох Program
6. Simple Keygen Template
7. Custom Keygen В
8. Using Regions & Resource Data
9.Offset Patcher
10.Search and Replace Patcher
11. Data Structures
12. Loader Basics
13. Мore on Loaders
14. Working with Section
15. Adding a PE Section
16. Skeleton DLL code
17.A simple DLL
18. Сoding ImpREС & Оlly plugins
-References & Bibliography
-Appendx 1. Installing MASM32&WinAsm
-Аррendx 2.MASM Syntax FAQ
-Арpendx 3. dup SnR Patch Engine

Win32 Assembler Coding For Crackers
اللهم سعادة القلب وقرة العين وجميل البشائر | ePTP,MalwareAnalysis,DFIR