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Xenos Injector
Xenos Injector هي أداة قديمة معروفة في مجال الـ Windows dll injection و أفضل ميزاتها هو الحقن عن طريق الـ Kernel-mode و كذلك Manual map of kernel driver كما يمكنها الحقن بدون الحاجة لـ proxy dll و هذه الأداة تعتمد في عملها على مكتبة Blackbone و هي مختصة في تهكير ذاكرة الويندوز. و تدعم الأداة نسخ ويندوز 7 و 8/8.1 و 10 و 11.
[صورة مرفقة: Xenos.png]

يمكن تنزيل الأداة من الرابط:

قائمة المزايا تشمل ما يلي:
 - Supports x86 and x64 processes and modules
- Kernel-mode injection feature (driver required)
- Manual map of kernel drivers (driver required)
- Injection of pure managed images without proxy dll
- Windows 7 cross-session and cross-desktop injection
- Injection into native processes (those having only ntdll loaded)
- Calling custom initialization routine after injection
- Unlinking module after injection
- Injection using thread hijacking
- Injection of x64 images into WOW64 process
- Image manual mapping
- Injection profiles

Manual map features:
- Relocations, import, delayed import, bound import
- Static TLS and TLS callbacks
- Security cookie
- Image manifests and SxS
- Make module visible to GetModuleHandle, GetProcAddress, etc.
- Support for exceptions in private memory under DEP
- C++/CLI images are supported (use 'Add loader reference' in this case)

Kernel manual map features are mostly identical to user-mode with few exceptions:
- No C++ exception handling support for x64 images (only SEH)
- No static TLS
- No native loader compatibility
- Limited dependency path resolving. Only API set schema, SxS, target executable directory and system directorysystem directory

Additional notes:
Injector has 2 versions - x86 and x64. Apart from obvious features x86 version supports injection of x64 images into x64 processes; x64 injector supports injection of x86 and x64 images into WOW64 processes. However this is only valid for native images. If you want to inject pure managed dll - use same injector version as your target process is.

Injection of x64 images into WOW64 process is totally unpredictable. If you want to do this I would recommend to use manual mapping with manual imports option, because native loader is more buggy than my implementation in this case (especially in windows 7).

- You can't inject 32 bit image into x64 process
- Use x86 version to manually map 32 bit images and x86 version to map 64 bit images
- You can't manually map pure managed images, only native injection is supported for them
- May not work properly on x86 OS versions
- Kernel injection is only supported on x64 OSes and requires Driver Test signing mode.
Plain text

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