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Cracking Software Practicals (CSP) Full Course
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله 

Cracking Software Practicals (CSP)
size 15.45 GB

Course Description:
In this CSP course, you will apply all the knowledge and skills taught in the CSL
you can find it here 

course to crack real software 
Real software are commercial proprietary software
We are doing this for educational purposes and not to harm software developers
This skill and knowledge benefits developers in that they are better able to secure their software
The concept is similar to ethical hacking - the only way to defend against hackers is to know how hackers break in Similarly, for software security. The best way to improve software security is to learn how software is being cracked

  • Case studies of cracking real software applying all the techniques you have learnt in the CSL course
  • More advanced techniques will be taught as well.
  • New video lessons are added regularly
  • More than 100 video lessons 

MALDEV1 (Malware Development 1: The Basics)
إن شاء الله

الملفات المرفقة
.txt   Cracking Software Practicals.txt (الحجم : 66 bytes / التحميلات : 63)

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