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[صورة مرفقة: main_window.png]

[صورة مرفقة: main_window2.png]

I got some free time today, and I was bored with this hot weather (may Allah forgive us for our sins ,what "Hell" will look like though)
so I started playing with some targets and I remembered that I dont have the latest version of "Networx" 
the latest version has been Patched/keygenned by "DeltaFox" whose I have a deep respect to him, I do really respect this guy. but unfortunately I couldnt have his updated keygen 
as it needed 1000 points in that forum. and lately I got banned from that forum for promoting this forum (that was the reason of my ban as they said)
anyway, this is not the subject
I released my patch for Networx in some other forums, and I hereby make a short tutorial on patching a second product from the same company "NetScan" 
the patching process is not tricky but needs some attention
I hope you find it useful

Download link:


Good Luck
أخي samoray ،
للأسف لم أستطع متابعة الدرس بسبب الخط الصغير في الغيديو المرفق...
شكرا على كل حال.
(17-07-2023, 08:13 PM)ROZBUD كتب : أخي samoray ،
للأسف لم أستطع متابعة الدرس بسبب الخط الصغير في الغيديو المرفق...
شكرا على كل حال.

Thank you for your interest on my ttutorial
the video is recorded at FULL HD 1920x1080 pixel  resolution, which needs a relatively 19inch screen.
let me check if I can downgrade resolution and upload it back again.
thanks for your feedback
(17-07-2023, 09:44 PM)samoray كتب : Thank you for your interest on my ttutorial
the video is recorded at FULL HD 1920x1080 pixel  resolution, which needs a relatively 19inch screen.
let me check if I can downgrade resolution and upload it back again.
thanks for your feedbac

thank you samoray
i think this is not the resolution to change,only change the size of your 
x64dbg on options>appearance>
font on the right you can enlarge the size of your text
thank you again for your tuts nice
سلمت يداك  lightsmile
استفسار صغير هل تقوم بالهندسة العكسية على جهاز افتراضي ام جهاز حقيقي كأنه جهاز حقيقي  Huh
(18-07-2023, 05:00 PM)Venox كتب : استفسار صغير هل تقوم بالهندسة العكسية على جهاز افتراضي ام جهاز حقيقي كأنه جهاز حقيقي

شكرًا لك
على جهاز افتراضي بالطبع
لا يوصى بإجراء ذلك على نظامك الرئيسي
تابعت الدرس لكن لم تشرح اخي تفسير القيم التي غيرتها فقط مفهوم القفزات واضح
[صورة مرفقة: 9t0Blrt.png]

[صورة مرفقة: T2FwSot.png]
إقتباس :https://i.imgur.com/9t0Blrt.png

(20-07-2023, 02:36 PM)samoray كتب : https://i.imgur.com/9t0Blrt.png


القيمة هي 42 شكراً للشرح أخي  

[صورة مرفقة: SqXCHMv.png]
Hi, thank you for the tutorial
This is a one byte patch video if you don't mind

Link: https://mega.nz/file/oax0wRKS#Wsh2cFHLTp..._5zibROjGM
Pass: www.at4re.net

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