operating systems consists of different layers of abstractions
-shell (CLI command line interface or GUI graphical user interface , API application programming interface).
-kernel ( scheduler , context switching for multi-tasking , file system , device drivers ,hardware abstraction layer (HAL library)for cross platform).
-hardware ( firmware , etc...).
the need for a operating system kernel to hide approximately all hardware complexities from user
trade of beetwen speed and size and complexity , for chosing a propper kernel type
inter-process(tasks) communication pipes , is the mandatory part for micro and hybrid kernels
economic jargon and monetization for monopoly and control
three types of kernel in modern implementations
-shell (CLI command line interface or GUI graphical user interface , API application programming interface).
-kernel ( scheduler , context switching for multi-tasking , file system , device drivers ,hardware abstraction layer (HAL library)for cross platform).
-hardware ( firmware , etc...).
the need for a operating system kernel to hide approximately all hardware complexities from user
trade of beetwen speed and size and complexity , for chosing a propper kernel type
inter-process(tasks) communication pipes , is the mandatory part for micro and hybrid kernels
economic jargon and monetization for monopoly and control

three types of kernel in modern implementations
اللهم إني استودعتك قلبي فانزع عنه كل خوف إلا الخوف منك واجعله وعاء لحبك وعلمك واكسه من خشيتك وخوفك