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VBReFormer Decompiler for VB5 & VB6
WebSite :
![[صورة مرفقة: p_1207m0kd81.png]](https://a.top4top.net/p_1207m0kd81.png)
An all-in-one set of recovery tools for Visual Basic 5 & 6: disassembler, decompiler and compiled UI editor at the same time.
VBReFormer is a powerful and essential recovery tool for Visual Basic 5 & 6 application.
Decompiler, disassembler and design editor at the same time, VBReFormer is an essential tool for professionals and companies who work with older versions of their Visual Basic 5/6 applications.
VBReFormer will help you to rewrite your application by recovering all necessary information, design code and partial native Visual Basic code of your application.
VBReFormer Decompiler for VB5 & VB6
WebSite :
![[صورة مرفقة: p_1207m0kd81.png]](https://a.top4top.net/p_1207m0kd81.png)
An all-in-one set of recovery tools for Visual Basic 5 & 6: disassembler, decompiler and compiled UI editor at the same time.
VBReFormer is a powerful and essential recovery tool for Visual Basic 5 & 6 application.
Decompiler, disassembler and design editor at the same time, VBReFormer is an essential tool for professionals and companies who work with older versions of their Visual Basic 5/6 applications.
VBReFormer will help you to rewrite your application by recovering all necessary information, design code and partial native Visual Basic code of your application.