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Win RE Utility Suite v2.0.0
Win RE Utility Suite v2.0.0

[صورة مرفقة: WREUS-Forum-Pic.png]

One Utility Suite for all your Windows app reversing needs. 
-x64 bit operating system.
-1024x768 min display setting.
-VCredist runtimes.
-Python for Windows.
Change Log v2.0.0:
-Recommend Fresh Clean Install of WREUS.
-Revamp of WREUS GUI.
-Replaced Network Miner with Angry IP Scanner.
-Removed npcap for Network Miner.
-Added Ollydbg x86 and x64 with plugins and scripts.
-Updated Host File Editor to v1.5.16.
-Updated x64dbg to snapshot_2025-02-27_00-11.
-Updated ExeInfo PE to v0.0.8.8.
-Updated Sources.txt file.
-Updated IDA Pro to v 9.0 with plugins.


الملفات المرفقة
.txt   Link.txt (الحجم : 73 bytes / التحميلات : 1)
[+] أعضاء أعجبوا بمشاركة Th3-R3p4ck3r

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