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DeDe - Delphi decompiler by DaFixer
DeDe - Delphi decompiler by DaFixer
DeDe برنامج عمل Decompiler للبرامج المكتوبة بدلفي
من برمجة DaFixer من فريق TMG

DeDe is a very fast application that allows you to analyze executables compiled with Delphi 2,3,4,5,6 Builder,Kylix and Kol and gives you the following: Here are some key features of "DeDe": · All .dfm files of the target. You will be able to open and edit them with Delphi. · All published methods in well commented ASM code with references to strings, imported function calls, classes methods calls, components in the unit, Try-Except and Try-Finally blocks. (By default DeDe retrieves only the published methods sources, but you may also process another procedure in a executable if you know the RVA offset using the Tools|Disassemble Proc menu.)

قطرة الماء تـثـقب الحجر.. لا بالعنف. لكن بتكرار المحاولة
أخي لن تنال العلم إلا بستة... ذكاء و حرص و اجتهاد و بلغة...و صحبة أستاذ و طول زمان

التنقل السريع :

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