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(ARPFreeze (+Autoit Source Code
كاتب الموضوع الأصلي : Aljeelany بتاريخ 18-02-2011, 02:12 PM

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

ARPFreeze by irongeek

[صورة مرفقة: arpfreezeng.png]

أداة مخصصلة ﻷنظمة Windows تساعد على الحماية من هجمات ARP Poisoning من خلال تثبيت جداول ARP الموجودة بالجهاز.
ما اعجبني فيها انها مبرمجة بلغة scr!pting وهي Autoit , طبعا الشيفرة المصدرية معها .
إقتباس :This tool is for prevention. ARPFreeze/ARPFreezeNG lets you setup static ARP tables so that other attackers (using Cain, Ettercap, Arpspoof or some other tool) can't pull off an ARP poisoning attack against you. Windows has tools built in for doing this (the arp command and netsh) but these are not easy or automated, so I created ARPFreeze, a simple automation scr!pt It looks at your current ARP table, and lets you make entries static. It may help someone in hardening a box against Man in the Middle attacks that use ARP poisoning. I'll describe it's usage, and what it's doing in the background, side by side with screen shots.

صفحة الأداة : 

ARPfreezeNG 0.2 لنسخ Windows 7, Vista , Windows 2008

ARPfreeze 0.1 لنسخ Windows XP

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