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Agile .NET Obfuscator 6.x
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


What is Agile.Net Obfuscator ?

Agile.NET is a Powerful Code Protection, Obfuscation, and Licensing Solution for your .NET Apps

Agile.NET obfuscator goes beyond traditional obfuscation methods. In addition to renaming your metadata entities, it also supports advanced obfuscation methods that will harden your overall protection scheme and foil reverse engineering altogether.
See more details below.

Obfuscates every aspect of your code, including class and method names, managed resources, user strings, methods implementation, system and library calls. Agile.net Protects more of your application than any other obfuscator because it knows what is safe to change and what needs to be left alone. Nevertheless, it gives you full control of the obfuscation process.

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