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كسر برنامج Яeg!stry Яev!ver
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله

رابط الشركة:

الشرح طرحته سابقا كجزء من سلسلة

الملفات المرفقة
.txt   Link.txt (الحجم : 78 bytes / التحميلات : 32)
  اللهم أحسن خاتمتنا وأخرجنا من الدنيا علي خير
اخي مادور هذا البرنامج ؟ هل يقوم بالتعديل علي الرجستري ؟
وما توفيقي إلا بالله عليه توكلت و إليه أنيب
  Registry Reviver: is a comprehensive software program that scans the Windows Registry for any errors,
and lets you fix them immediately, in order to boost your PC's performance.
It caters to all types of users, regardless of their skill level.
The interface of the application is based on a standard window with a clean and intuitive layout,
where the scan procedure is automatically initialized at startup.
Registry Reviver shows a summary on the last scan, not repaired errors, total errors repaired to date,
license status and version, alongside the PC hardware configuration (model, CPU, motherboard, operating system, physical memory).
It is also possible to customize the scan process by choosing the Registry areas to include,
between application paths, user shell folders, fonts, help files, Windows startup items, uninstall entries, shared DLLs, file associations, program shortcuts, COM and ActiveX items. You can also enable deep scan mode to obtain thorough results
Results reveal details about each entry with problems, along with the total entries for each category, and severity level. However, the unregistered version of Registry Reviver doesn't let you repair error.
The utility is able to backup the original Windows Registry state, so you can revert settings to a previous point at any time. You can also make the tool run at system startup automatically, minimize to the system tray area, and create a system restore point before optimizing. Last but not least, you can create an exclusion list and send the log file to your email address automatically.
Other functions of Registry Reviver let you manage apps which automatically run at system startup, optimize the Registry to improve general performance, as well as schedule a one-time recurring task.
  اللهم أحسن خاتمتنا وأخرجنا من الدنيا علي خير

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