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(REDasm(Reverse Engineering Disassembler
االسلام عليكم إخوتي الأعزاء
REDasm هو Disassembler مفتوح السورس ويشبه IDA PRO
أدعوكم لإكتشافه.
إقتباس :REDasm is an interactive, multiarchitecture disassembler written in modern C++11 using Qt5 as UI Framework, its core is modular and it can be easily extended in order to support
new file formats and instruction sets
You can hack and improve REDasm without any issues and limitations
[صورة مرفقة: Slideshow_20190511.gif]
أعضاء أعجبوا بهذه المشاركة : Gu-sung18 , fantazma , M!X0R

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