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The Hacker’s Underground Handbook Learn What it Takes to Crack Even the Most Secure S
The Hacker’s Underground Handbook Learn What it Takes to Crack Even the Most Secure Systems By: David Melnichuk  2 Copyright Notice This report may not be copied or reproduced unless specific permissions have been personally given to you by the author David Melnichuk. Any unauthorized use, distributing, reproducing is strictly prohibited. Liability Disclaimer The information provided in this eBook is to be used for educational purposes only. The eBook creator is in no way responsible for any misuse of the information provided. All of the information in this eBook is meant to help the reader develop a hacker defense attitude in order to prevent the attacks discussed. In no way should you use the information to cause any kind of damage directly or indirectly. The word “Hack” or “Hacking” in this eBook should be regarded as “Ethical Hack” or “Ethical hacking” respectively. You implement the information given at your own risk. © Copyright 2008 Learn-How-To-Hack.net. All Rights Reserved.

Table of Contents
A. Introduction..............................................................................................5
1. How can I use this eBook?
2. What is a hacker
3. Hacker Hierarchy
4. What does it take to become a hacker?
5. Disclaimer
B. Programming............................................................................................9
1. Do I really need it?
2. Where should I start?
3. Best way to learn
C. Linux.......................................................................................................12
1. What is it?
2. Choosing a distribution
3. Running Linux
4. Learning Linux
D. Passwords...............................................................................................33
1. Password Cracking
2. Phishing
3. Countermeasures
4. More Programs
E. Network Hacking.....................................................................................48
1. Foot printing
2. Port Scanning
3. Banner Grabbing
4. Searching for Vulnerabilities
5. Penetrating
6. Countermeasures
F. Wireless Hacking.....................................................................................70
1. Scanning for Wireless Networks
2. Cracking WEP
3. Packet Sniffing
4. Countermeasures
G. Windows Hacking...................................................................................79
1. NetBIOS
2. Cracking Windows Passwords
3. Countermeasures
H. Malware.................................................................................................93
1. Definitions
2. ProRat
3. Countermeasures
I. Web Hacking.........................................................................................104
1. Cross Site Scripting
2. Remote File Inclusion
3. Local File Inclusion
J. Conclusion............................................................................................114
1. Congratulations
2. Keep Learning
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