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How to Edit Import Table For DLL Hook
Hi dear All Smile

i need some tutorial about how to edit import table on dll or exe files

i need to dll injection with PYG method with custom dll file name

i follow this threat for make loader for dll file, but i have problem for edit import table on dll file. have you tutorial about it
إقتباس :https://www.at4re.net/f/thread-2641.html
hello bro for pyg 
first of all make your patch and then on build type 
select piaoyun.dll
and build 

then open your exe that want to inject 
with Study PE
and open the exe and go to function TAB then right click  add new import and then select the  piaoyun.dll and the function inside
oh really thanks dear the9am3 
? have you download link for Study PE software. because i can not find it on web
? also, we can use this method for dll files
this version of ollydbg contain almost all reverse engineering tools
Created by [b]M!X0R[/b]

oh really thanks

i try this method. after i add piaoyun.dll on import table i see new section added: .newimp

after add, software dont run ad got crash!

have you solution for error?
(28-09-2021, 07:01 PM)KaMaN99 كتب : oh really thanks

i try this method. after i add piaoyun.dll on import table i see new section added: .newimp

after add, software dont run ad got crash!

have you solution for error?

what you try to do ?
what is the protection ?
i try to use for a packed software

software used FlexLM packed dll file

when i patch dll file, software no run

also when i used loader or PYG and ByMax dll loader software detect it and close!

finally, i want to use dll injection to another loaded dll to test this method 

if you know another method to guide me, please help me

i tested Study PE method to include dll for some target. after injection, software no run

maybe i go to wrong why

have you any video tutorial?
have you any video tutorial?
are you know another software same Study PE?
(16-10-2021, 04:20 PM)KaMaN99 كتب : are you know another software same Study PE?

bro just create loader

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