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unpack themida 2x
Hello... I could not unpack a file packed with Themida & WinLicense 2x

I unpacked with the olldbf script, but after unpacking, the file does not run.

Is it possible to unpack this?

Or fix the unpacked file?

main file :

unpacked file :
It is forbidden to request Crack or decompile any program, whether directly or indirectly
A- The direct method: request any crack/registration number/ link to any of the above in the forum.
B - The indirect method: correspondence with team members or other members in order to request what was mentioned above. 
Try to find the right OEP of program

[صورة مرفقة: VFKDxx8.gif]
" اللهم أحسن خاتمتنا وأخرجنا من الدنيا علي خير"
Unfortunately, I could not find ...
I only reached the amount of...

 frida-agent: OEP found (thread #15396): 0xd21f72
INFO - OEP reached: OEP=0xd21f72 BASE=0xc90000 DOTNET=False

Is it possible to upload the fixed file?
this oep is currect ?

Thank you, the problem was solved

التنقل السريع :

يقوم بقرائة الموضوع: بالاضافة الى ( 3 ) ضيف كريم