08-11-2022, 09:45 AM
SDF Tool v1.0 by Saduff
![[صورة مرفقة: image.png]](https://i.postimg.cc/L6vG01gx/image.png)
![[صورة مرفقة: image.png]](https://i.postimg.cc/L6vG01gx/image.png)
تعد أداة [b]SDF أحد الأدوات الجيدة و الممكن أستخدامها في برامج الكيجن و رغم أن عمر الأداة تجاوز العشر سنوات الا انها اداه فعالة في هذا المجال.
تجدون أدناه مميزات الأداة مع رابط التحميل ...[/b]
تجدون أدناه مميزات الأداة مع رابط التحميل ...[/b]
- 32bit Calculator - Supports hex, dec, oct, bin. Functions: +, -, *, /, BSwap, Mod, RoL, RoR, And, Or, Xor, Lsh, Rsh, Not, x^2, x^3, x^y, n!.
- BigNum Calculator - Supports binary, decimal, hex. Functions: +, -, *, /, Mod, Xor, Or, And, Shl, Shr, x^y, x^-1 mod n (modular inverse), x*y mod n, x^y mod n, GCD(x, y), LCM(x, y), Prime Generation, Prime Checking.
- Can convert between following bases: ASCII (Base-256), Hexadecimal (Base-16), Decimal (Base-10), Binary (Base-2), Base-32, Base-64, Base-85.
- Supports following hash algorithms with possibility to change init vectors of some hashes (*) : GOST, HAVAL* (128/160/192/224/256), MD2, MD4*, MD5*, Panama, RipeMD* (128/160/256/320), Sapphire II (128/160/192/224/256/288/320), SHA-0*, SHA-1*, SHA* (256/384/512), Snefru-128 (level 8), Snefru-256 (level 8), Square*, Tiger* (128/160/192), Whirlpool-0, Whirlpool-1, Whirlpool-512, Adler-32, CRC-16, CRC-24, CRC-32, CRC-32b, CRC-64, XOR-16, XOR-32.
- Hash Analyzer - Given the plain text and the hash, it will calculate all the hashes listed above and check them against the given hash, so you don't have to manually do that.
- RSA - Possible to encrypt/decrypt using RSA.