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Confuser ex vanilla
I have program packed with confuser exI successfully unpacked it with confuser unpacker 2.0 and it work but strings obfuscate then i use de4dot to clean names after cleaning program not working what the problems

Note: unpacking is successful because cctor module doesn't appear after unpacking
humnnn. my knowledge in .net is not enough
Yes im newbie in .net 
OHer languags better for me
إقتباس : 
أمس, 07:09 AM
I have program packed with confuser exI successfullyunpacked it with confuser unpacker 2.0 and it work but strings obfuscate then i use de4dot to clean names after cleaning program not working what the problems

Note: unpacking is successful because cctor module doesn't appear after unpacking
Afaik some of ConfuerEX protectors currputes the entry point after deobfuscating it. try checking the entrey point and see if it's correct if not then you should manually fix it using DnSpy.
"إخي العزيز، لا تنسى بمراجعة صفحة قوانين المنتدى قبل وضع اي مشاركة !"
Yes rce i think so because its modded confuser

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