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تحدي لكسر خوارزمية جديدة
أهلا أعزائي أعضاء الفريق.

من نعومة الأظافر أحببت التشفير والرياضيات ولازلت كذلك, موخرا توصلت لدمج فرعين من الرياضيات لتطوير خوارزمية جديدة. الخوارزمية حاليا قيد الدراسة المتقدمة, أضعها بين أيديكوم.

أضع بين أيديكم الكود مع شرح الخوارزمية, المطلوب منكوم إيجاد طريقة للحصول على المفتاح السري من المعلومات العامة,
#!/usr/bin/env python3
CrackMe.py - An NTT-Based Key Exchange Challenge

This file implements a cryptographic protocol based on Number Theoretic Transform (NTT)
convolution exponentiation. A secret exponent s is chosen and kept private; however, we publish
the following public parameters:

   p  : A large prime such that p = k*n + 1 (for some integer k) and with a desired bit length.
   n  : Sequence length (a power of 2).
   w  : A primitive n-th root of unity modulo p.
   G  : A random public sequence (with elements in GF(p)).
   H  : The convolution exponentiation of G with the secret s, computed as H = G^{*s}.

The convolution exponentiation is carried out as follows:
   1. Compute F = NTT(G, w, p), where
          F_j = Σ (G_i * w^(i*j)) mod p   for j = 0, ..., n-1.
   2. Raise each frequency component of F to the power s modulo p:
          F'_j = (F_j)^s mod p.
   3. Compute H = INTT(F', w, p), where the inverse transform is scaled by 1/n mod p.

  (1) p = k*n + 1,  where p is prime.
  (2) w = g^((p-1)/n) mod p,  for some generator g of Z_p*.
  (3) NTT: F_j = Σ_(i=0)^(n-1) [G_i * w^(i*j)] mod p.
  (4) Convolution exponentiation: H = G^{*s} = INTT( [F_j^s mod p] )

Your challenge: Using the public info (p, n, w, G, and H), try to recover the secret exponent s.
Good luck cracking the protocol!

import random
import secrets
import time

# Fast modular exponentiation: computes (base^exponent) mod modulus
def fast_pow_mod(base, exponent, modulus):
    if modulus == 1:
        return 0
    result = 1
    base = base % modulus
    while exponent > 0:
        if exponent & 1:
            result = (result * base) % modulus
        exponent >>= 1
        base = (base * base) % modulus
    return result

# Miller-Rabin primality test
def is_prime(n, k=40):
    if n <= 1:
        return False
    if n <= 3:
        return True
    if n % 2 == 0:
        return False
    r, d = 0, n-1
    while d % 2 == 0:
        r += 1
        d //= 2
    for _ in range(k):
        a = random.randint(2, n-2)
        x = fast_pow_mod(a, d, n)
        if x == 1 or x == n - 1:
        for _ in range(r - 1):
            x = fast_pow_mod(x, 2, n)
            if x == n - 1:
            return False
    return True

# Find a prime number of a given bit length such that (p - 1) is divisible by n.
def find_prime_congruent(bits, n):
    while True:
        k = secrets.randbits(bits - 1)
        p = k * n + 1
        if p.bit_length() != bits:
        if is_prime(p):
            return p

# Find a primitive n-th root of unity modulo p.
def find_primitive_root(p, n):
    if (p - 1) % n != 0:
        raise ValueError("n does not divide p-1")
    g = 2
    max_attempts = 100
    attempts = 0
    while attempts < max_attempts:
        if fast_pow_mod(g, (p - 1) // 2, p) != 1:
        g += 1
        attempts += 1
    if attempts == max_attempts:
        raise ValueError("Failed to find a generator")
    # Compute w = g^((p-1) // n) mod p.
    w = fast_pow_mod(g, (p - 1) // n, p)
    if fast_pow_mod(w, n, p) != 1:
        raise ValueError("Failed to compute a primitive n-th root of unity")
    return w

# Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) - iterative implementation
def ntt(A, w, p):
    n = len(A)
    if n == 1:
        return A.copy()
    # Ensure n is a power of 2.
    if n & (n - 1) != 0:
        raise ValueError("NTT length must be a power of 2")
    A_copy = A.copy()
    # Bit-reversal permutation.
    j = 0
    for i in range(1, n):
        bit = n >> 1
        while j >= bit:
            j -= bit
            bit >>= 1
        j += bit
        if i < j:
            A_copy[i], A_copy[j] = A_copy[j], A_copy[i]
    # Cooley-Tukey iterative FFT (NTT) algorithm.
    s = 1
    while s < n:
        m = s << 1
        w_m = fast_pow_mod(w, (p - 1) // m, p)
        for k in range(0, n, m):
            omega = 1
            for j in range(s):
                t = (omega * A_copy[k + j + s]) % p
                u = A_copy[k + j]
                A_copy[k + j] = (u + t) % p
                A_copy[k + j + s] = (u - t) % p
                omega = (omega * w_m) % p
        s *= 2
    return A_copy

# Inverse Number Theoretic Transform (INTT)
def intt(A, w, p):
    n = len(A)
    # Compute inverse of w modulo p.
    w_inv = fast_pow_mod(w, p - 2, p)
    # Compute INTT via NTT using the inverse root.
    A_inv = ntt(A, w_inv, p)
    # Normalize by multiplying with modular inverse of n.
    n_inv = fast_pow_mod(n, p - 2, p)
    for i in range(n):
        A_inv[i] = (A_inv[i] * n_inv) % p
    return A_inv

# Convolution exponentiation: Computes H = G^{*s} by raising the NTT of G to the power s.
def convolve_power(G, s, w, p):
    # Compute the NTT of G.
    NTT_G = ntt(G, w, p)
    # Raise each component of the transformed sequence to the power s (mod p).
    NTT_G_s = [fast_pow_mod(x, s, p) for x in NTT_G]
    # Perform the inverse NTT to obtain H.
    H = intt(NTT_G_s, w, p)
    return H

# Generate a random sequence G of specified length with elements in GF(p).
def generate_random_sequence(length, p):
    return [random.randint(1, p - 1) for _ in range(length)]

def main():
    print("CrackMe Challenge: NTT-Based Cryptographic Protocol")
    # Parameters:
    # For strong security, bits should be 2048 or higher.
    # For demonstration purposes, we use 1024 bits here.
    bits = 1024  # Bit-length of prime modulus p.
    n = 16       # Sequence length (must be a power of 2 for NTT).
    # Step 1: Generate a prime p such that p = k*n + 1.
    print("\nStep 1: Generating prime p such that p = k*n + 1, with", bits, "bits.")
    start_time = time.time()
    p = find_prime_congruent(bits, n)
    print("Prime p =", p)
    print("Verification (p - 1) mod n =", (p - 1) % n)
    print("Time taken:", time.time() - start_time, "seconds")
    # Step 2: Compute a primitive n-th root of unity w modulo p.
    print("\nStep 2: Computing a primitive", n, "th root of unity w modulo p.")
    start_time = time.time()
    w = find_primitive_root(p, n)
    print("Primitive n-th root of unity, w =", w)
    print("Verification: w^n mod p =", fast_pow_mod(w, n, p))
    print("Time taken:", time.time() - start_time, "seconds")
    # Step 3: Generate a random public sequence G of length n.
    print("\nStep 3: Generating random public sequence G.")
    G = generate_random_sequence(n, p)
    print("Public sequence G =", G)
    # Step 4: Choose a secret exponent s (keep this private!)
    s = secrets.randbelow(p - 1) + 1
    # For demonstration or debugging you could print s:
    # print("Secret exponent s =", s)   # DO NOT print in a real challenge
    # Step 5: Compute convolution exponentiation H = G^{*s}.
    print("\nStep 4: Computing H = G^{*s} using convolution exponentiation.")
    start_time = time.time()
    H = convolve_power(G, s, w, p)
    print("Convolution exponentiation result H =", H)
    print("Time taken:", time.time() - start_time, "seconds")
    # Display public parameters and challenge description.
    print("\n--- Public Parameters for the Challenge ---")
    print("p      =", p)
    print("n      =", n)
    print("w      =", w)
    print("G      =", G)
    print("H      =", H)
    print("\nProtocol Equations and Steps:")
    print("1) p = k*n + 1, where p is prime and k is an integer.")
    print("2) w = g^((p-1)/n) mod p, with g a generator of Z_p*.")
    print("3) NTT: For G = [g0, g1, ..., g(n-1)],")
    print("       F_j = Σ_(i=0)^(n-1) (g_i * w^(i*j)) mod p, for j = 0,...,n-1.")
    print("4) Convolution Exponentiation:")
    print("       H = G^{*s} = INTT( [F_j^s mod p] ), where F = NTT(G, w, p).")
    print("\n-- YOUR CHALLENGE --")
    print("Using the public parameters above, determine the secret exponent s.")
    print("Best of luck to the reverse engineering and cryptography community!")

if __name__ == "__main__":

تفاصيل الخوارزمية

[+] أعضاء أعجبوا بمشاركة mouradgpt
اهلا بالاستاذ ...الغالي
محاولتي .... طبعا مع طلب الاستعانة shy2 بما انني لست بمستواكم
الباس على الخاص
  اللهم أحسن خاتمتنا وأخرجنا من الدنيا علي خير
[+] أعضاء أعجبوا بمشاركة TeRcO
شكرا على المشاركة لكن الهدف من التحدي هو إيجاد القيمة السرية s من المعطيات العامة p,n,w,G,H.

بالتوفيق Smile
الحل عبر الخاص
أظن أنني لم أوضح التحدي جيدا.

أذا قمتم بتنفيذ الخوارزمية ستعطيك s و p,n,w,G,H.
إفترض أنك لم ترى s وتعرف فقط p,n,w,G,H حاول أن تجد s.

[+] أعضاء أعجبوا بمشاركة mouradgpt

التنقل السريع :

يقوم بقرائة الموضوع: بالاضافة الى ( 2 ) ضيف كريم